In the late 1990s, as part of the welfare reform package passed under former President Clinton, the U.S. began requiring states to collect the Social Security numbers of people wishing to obtain or renew a driver's license. The idea was to use the information to track down deadbeat parents, whose lack of child support payments had presumably forced their children onto welfare rolls.

Over time, the state started collecting Social Security numbers for other reasons as well: to identify people in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, to screen out illegal aliens and to help prevent identity theft.

According to the Sep 18, 2003, issue of the L.A. Times, Chief Bratton backed ex-Governor Davis' signing of a driver's license bill for illegal aliens. Bratton said he backed the measure because it would allow such drivers to buy insurance and not feel they need to flee the scene of accidents -- never mind that it would give a new identity to many illegals who already are deadbeat dads, many who abandoned their responsibility to their families in Mexico and other countries.

It should be no surprise that Chief Bratton along with Mayor Hahn both support Licenses for illegal aliens. On August 16, 2003 - on Spanish language both appeared at a huge rally in Los Angeles Plaza de la Raza (Place of the Race) together with State Senator Cedillo. Bratton spoke in English saying to Cedillo's future constituency, "You all need a safe way to get to work." Never mind that it is a federal crime for illegal alien's to work in the U.S.

We can only conclude that L.A. Police Chief Bratton publicly recognizes that illegal aliens are working illegally, and encourages them to continue working in violation of federal law.

Because of attitudes like Chief Bratton's, Illegal aliens have learned that they can virtually change the laws in Los Angeles by breaking the law in Los Angeles -- want a driver licence? just flee an accident. Moreover, it is laughable to assume that once issued a license, that the majority of all those illegal aliens will run out to buy insurance. If Chief Bratton can't enforce the law against driving without a license, what makes him think that he can enforce the law that licensed drivers have insurance?