Is he nuts?
John Miller, Police Chief Bratton's senior anti-terrorism advisor is OK with licenses for illegal aliens. He ignores evidence that al Qaeda terrorists are coming over the Mexican Border. Anti-terrorism? Give me a break!
Activist Hal Netkin has been warning John Miller from the time he was hired by the LAPD, that any terrorist smart enough to learn to fly an airliner into a high rise building, is smart enough to disguise himself as a Mexican illegal alien. There is strong evidence of al Qaeda agents coming from Mexico that Miller is poo-pooing:

Since it has been the policy of the L.A. City council and the LAPD leadership to give free and unabashed movement in Los Angeles to illegal immigrants, there are many scenarios in which an Islamic terrorist could conceivably pose as an innocent looking illegal immigrant who could cause harm to people living in Los Angeles. For example: an illegal food vendor could sell food laced with anthrax or hide a bomb in a vending cart to blow up an institution such as a police station. Such scenarios are far less incredible than 9/11.

According to the September 13, 2001, on-line issue of World Net Daily, Mexico makes little or no effort to police its border with the U.S. It minimizes the threat that refugees pose to the United States. It even suggests its overflow population should be welcomed into the U.S. Moreover, Mexico's own National Security Adviser Adolfo Aguilar Zinser made the sensational announcement days before 9-11, that Islamic terrorist organizations already have a presence along the U.S. border and may be making contact with Mexican guerrilla groups.
In July of 2002, Geraldo Rivera reported on Arabs disquised as Mexicans smuggled across our Southern border by Mexican Coyotes (smugglers). These illegal crossers are not hardworking, honest immigrants looking for a better life. They are Terrorists who want to kill Americans.

U.S. Naturalized Pakistani Al Qaeda agent in New Jersey spills beans that Al Qaeda terrorists plan scheme to smuggle terrorists across the Mexican border. More...

But all the evidence of impending terrorist acts in Los Angeles by terrorists disguised as illegal aliens have not moved either Chief Bratton or John Miller. More...
Members of a border-watch group conducted an experiment this week: They snuck into the United States carrying a fake "weapon of mass destruction" and made it to a house in Sierra Vista without being caught. Watch...
Suitcase Bomb
John Miller, thinks the LAPD's Special Order 40 does not threaton L.A.'s security. When KABC-TV did a story on it, Miller was hiding under his desk with Chief Bratton and the rest of the Keystone Cops.

Click here to watch KABC-TV story
Terrorist Came Across Border
July 28, 2004 -- Lou Dobbs reports that a South African woman linked to terrorist organizations entered the U.S. by crossing the Mexican border illegally. Watch        
They're not all looking for work
April 5, 2004 -- Tom Brokaw reports that  all those illegally crossing Mexican border are NOT all Mexicans just looking for work. Some are bad guys from the Middle East  Watch