Police Commissioner David S. Cunningham, III defends Special Order 40.Mr Cunnigham, illegal aliens don't report crime because they are afraid of witness intimidation by the gang members and criminals!
Read Open Letter to Commissioner
9/11 Committee Transcript, Hearing April 8, 2004.
Rice unaware of outrageous sanctuary policies of some cities?

COMMISSIONER LEHMAN ASKS: Were you aware that it was the U.S. government established policy not to question or oppose the sanctuary policies of New York, Los Angeles, Houston, Chicago, San Diego for political reasons, which policy in those cities prohibited the local police from cooperating at all with federal immigration authorities?

CONDOLEEZZA RICE ANSWERS: I do not believe I was aware of that.

Hal Netkin writes to Commissioner John Lehman
Chief Bratton made us all roll over laughing when on April 2, 2004, he called on residents to turn in unregistered firearms. Many of us thought the Chief was joking because he was confused and thought it was April fools day. Only a fool believes that people who should not have guns, will turn them in. And only a fool believes that law abiding citizens will give up their defense against the criminals who won't turn their guns in.
Chief Bratton wants law abiding citizens to turn in their guns, but wants criminals to keep theirs. Ex-cop Councilman Zine agrees. More...
Homicides up 47 percent so far this year and 300 percent in Van Nuys; cops pour on resources. Anomaly? No, it's back to normal. The anomaly was the temporary decrease. More...
Licenses for illegal alien gang members?
Are you nuts Chief Bratton?

Chief Bratton thinks that awarding driver licenses to illegal aliens including illegal alien gang members, is a good thing. Outrage motivated Citizens to recall Governor Davis for this.
Now it's Chief Bratton's turn.

More about driver licenses for illegal alien and deadbeat dads
Chief Bratton fully backed Ex-cop Dennis Zine and the L.A. City Council in violating the United States Constitution, Section 8, Clause 3, which states: "No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power... -- negotiating with Mexican Government lobbyists for Los Angeles to accept the the Sham Mexican Matricula Consular ID. More...
LAPD Police Chief William Bratton Goes AWOL
On May 8, 2004, LAPD Police Chief failed to show up at the College of the Canyons in Santa Clarita, where a rally was held for David March, murdered by Armando Garcia who fled to Mexico. More...
Are there non-citizen cops in the LAPD? According the LAPD's Captain Kevin F. McCarthy: THE LAPD DOES NOT VERIFY COMPLETION OF THE CITIZENSHIP PROCESS. ...details

Hal Netkin Answers Michael L. Prendergast, Staff Liaison, Police Commission  ..details
Capt Kevin F. MCarthy
Risk Management
I have two questions for you Chief Bratton:
1. Where did you get the information that Californians don't want L.A. to cooperate with the INS?
2. Did you mean it when you said that if any of us didn't like it, we should leave the state?
Chief Bratton shows his arrogance
KABC Radio - Ken Minyard Show - August 26, 2003.
Caller Steve (regarding Special Order 40): "The rest of your arguments are humorous. They're here illegally his job is to uphold the law."
Chief Bratton: "In as much as California has pretty much indicated that they don't want us involved in that issue, we're out of that business. If you don't like it leave the state."

"If you don't like it leave the state."
Anti-crime and 2nd  Amendment activist Hal Netkin wants you to know that I support LAPD officers. But neither I nor the rank and file officers support the Mayor's political mouthpiece, William Bratton.
Hal Netkin
Hal Netkin and his wife Ines discuss Special Order 40 and high crime rates among illegal aliens, with Sheriff Lee Baca at Terry Anderson fund raiser. More...
John Miller, Police Chief Bratton's senior anti-terrorism advisor is OK with licenses for illegal aliens. Miller ignores evidence that al Qaeda terrorists are coming over the Mexican Border More...
Temple Judea Rabbis ingratiate with senator "One bill" Gil Cedillo and LAPD Chief Bratton To reward illegal aliens with driver licenses.
See Daily News article on Rabbis                          Frequently Asked Questions
Rabbi Dan Moskovitz
Rabbi Donald Goor
Rabbi Karen Bender
One "Bill" Gil Cedillo
Bratton backs licenses for illegals. Compares illegal aliens to Holocaust Jews. More...
This trailer which has been parked on Devonshire Blvd., just around the corner from the LAPD Devonshire Division Police Station, is drawing about 25 hits a day on this website. More...
Headlines of La Opinion: Police Chief Bratton supports licenses for the undocumented: Bratton affirmed to a group of 15,000 Latinos at a rally on July 11, 2004, at the L.A. Convention center, virtually sending the message that if you are an illegal alien and you break the law by driving without a license and you run away from an accident, then I will give you a license -- Bratton has got to go!
Chief Bratton kisses up to ex-Chief Parks. Bratton apologizes for calling gang members "thugs" and "terrorists."
Could this
or this
happen in L.A.?
...the guard would have allowed me in had I tried to falsify my identity with my matricula card...
Hal Netkin writes to FBI
Chief Bratton and his Senior Anti-Terrorism Advisor, John Miller OK with NOT profiling. More...
Matricula ID sham
LAPD's Commander Stuart Maislin tap dances on Public Information regarding the Mexican Matricula ID. January 28, 2003, Matricula was never tested More...
By order of a California Public Information Act request submitted by Hal Netkin, Maislin was forced to admit that LAPD Cops have no way of verifying the information on matricula consular cards. What this means is that a suspect who is stopped for a minor infraction but whose true identity is listed on an ICE or FBI wanted list, would slip through the officer's fingers.
July, 28, 2004, LAPD Commander Stuart Maislin Admits cops can't verify matricula. More...
For Complete story on the Sham ID, Click Here
And the two of you want to give them Driver Licenses? More...
Oops!!! Miller caught with gun in airline security check area.                     More...
LAPD Police Chief of Police William Bratton
LAPD Sr Anti-terrorism advisor John Miller
Matricula consular's not good enough. And neither is Cedillo plan to give licenses to illegals immigrants. Daily News Op-Ed
Hal Netkin awards Congressman Sensenbrenner with his own Matricula Consular ID card More...
Sheriff Baca's department admits they don't know how many illegal alien jail inmantes receive early release into society. Read Letter
Hal Netkin awards Peter Gadiel, President of  9/11 Families with his own Matricula Consular ID card More...
16,746 illegal alien gang members allowed to roam L.A. Streets
Chief Bratton endorses Special Order 40  because he wants to respect the "rights" of 16,746 illegal alien gang members who freely roam L.A.'s streets. He says that if you don't like it, you can leave the state. More...
Bratton violating federal law with Special Order 40
In a rulling upholding Arizona's Proposition 200 to deny public benefits to illegal aliens,  District Court Judge David C. Bury said "Not only are state and local governments authorized and encouraged to communicate with federal authorities regarding an alien's immigration status, any law or regulation which would in any way restrict or limit such communications would be directly contrary to federal law."  Read Washington Times story

John and Barbara March
David March
Tom Tancredo
Sheriff Baca
D.A Cooley
Rally for murdered deputy, David March, at Erwindale Speedway, April 29, 2005